The TCC staff, the Executive Board, the Advisory Council and the Development Committee have been struggling with whether or not to host our largest fundraiser—our 22nd Annual Golf Classic. Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we made the difficult, but responsible decision, to postpone our annual golf outing fundraiser until next year. While we may have been able to play golf safely, we didn't think it would be prudent or appropriate to ask our attendees to gather for a post-event banquet, awards ceremony, or the popular silent auction.

However our funding needs remain. Therefore we are asking for your support by donating to our first (and hopefully last) NOGO!

A gift of $125, the price of being a single golfer, will get your name on our NOGO Donors page on the TCC website boasting your support of the TCC and the youth of our community. With your generous gift of $125, you will receive a $25 credit toward your 2021 TCC Golf Classic registration.

Help us help the community by giving to our NOGO.


We will miss all of our golfers this year.
Thank you for so many years of supporting the mission of the Tri-Community Coalition!