In-Kind Donation Form

2018 Tcc Health and Wellness_transparent600.png

Sunday, May 5, 2019 · 1PM–4PM at the Gillham Recreation Center

We are very excited to host our second annual Health and Wellness Fair with the cities of Berkley, Huntington Woods, and Oak Park. Our goal is to provide participants with a memorable experience. As such, we would like to provide participants with an opportunity to win door prizes or receive take-home gifts to remember this fun and engaging event.

If your business would like to provide an in-kind donation, please fill out the form below. To show our gratitude, we will be creating a board (presented at the event) with your business’s name, logo, address, and contact information to advertise the contribution. We will also have a social media blast thanking your business for supporting the Tri-Community Coalition and our local community members.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns: 248-518-0853 or